Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh Nathaniel.

♥ Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella ♥

I love Nathaniel. Oh damn I love him. Gimmegimmegimme a man like Nathaniel.


When Samantha accused Nathaniel of not spreading "spreading his wings", he countered with "There's a nursery in Cornwall I'd die to own. Fantastic piece of land, fantastic business - but I didn't look at it. I preferred not to be six hours away from you."

WTH? Samantha, Samantha. Darn you.

I already love Nathaniel way before this part of the story, but this! This line. Aww man.

End Spoilers.

I'm so glad I finally started on a Sophie Kinsella book. If all her others stories can make me feel like how I felt now about Undomestic Goddess, I'm reading them.

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