Monday, November 10, 2008

Psy & Cowboys.

Lucas and Sascha. I've finished Slave to Sensation and though Lucas is one uber hot alpha, I'm actually more captivated by all the Psy stuff. Much more than the romance itself. I'll continue to read the series just because I'm really fascinated by them. The Psy stuff.

I reallywonder, if at the end of the whole series (oh I don't wish for it to end anytime soon), will the Psy come to their senses (if any) and actually stop the Silence project thingy? And there'd be some way (of couse there have to be a way) that they can control / prevent insanity? Madness? Blah? I admit I don't totally understand this PsyNet thingy, but hey, I'm intriguied. Very much.

E-Psy, F-Psy, wowee. When E-Psy first came up in the book.. err elephant? Honestly that's the first word that comes to my mind. ☺ Those hot panthers/leopards/jaguars/wolves and the romance that comes with it are like a bonus to this fascinating world. Big bonus. Lucas is hot! Can't wait to know the rest.

You know there're times when I want to just hold a Psy and tell him or her (prefebly a hunky him) that everything is gonna be ok and that they can cry in my arms. ☺ I'm crazed by the Psy stuff.


Hot x InfinityAnother story read over the weekend is Gabe's story in Wild Wild West. Thinking back just makes me sigh out loud. Want-want-want! I wana live at this place. Watch him swing pitchforks and lift bays of hay. Argh! Time to think of a provocative poem to read to a cowboy.

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