Friday, April 6, 2007


I got Susan Johnson's Tempting recently at a mini book bonanza at less than a third of the price sold at Bookstores. The version I got is the green paperpack one:


I've already read the book: I saw the trade paperback version (the pretty pink one) on the shelves at the library one day last year, and made a big leap for it. I enjoyed Tempting enough to want to buy it, but I want the trade paperback version, pretty pink and big text and all, but it's nowhere to be found for sale.

Here's a heart-breaking moment from the book:

When the winter wind struck them, she shivered in his arms.

He broke into a run.

Max was carrying Christina in his arms as she was in a weak form (poisoned by evil husband), and thus Max was really desperate to get her to a doctor fast. In the end, she became well again, gotten rid of evil husband, and got married again. To Max of course.

Happy ending always.

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