Friday, May 7, 2010

The Diaper Diaries by Abby Gaines.

The Diaper Diaries by Abby Gaines I feel like I need to read a book by Abby Gaines every week.

To keep a smile on my face.

Those that I've read are funny, cute, with smart-ass conversations.

They're heart-warming, with just the right amount of emotional draining. Not too much.

So I thought it's suitable for every-week-reading.

Here are some of my favourite parts of The Diaper Diaries :

The part where Tyler couldn't tell which baby is Ben? AHAHAHAHA.

The part where Tyler is so tired that he didn't notice that Bethany gave him the signal? AHAHAHAHA.

The part where Tyler realised that Bethany did indeed gave him the signal? AHAHAHAHA.

The part where Tyler unconsiously cuddles Ben? AWWWW.

The part where Tyler stood up for Bethany in front of her parents? ♥☺

The part where Tyler busted the fake mother? ♥☺

Tyler being around Bethany is just too cute. ☺

But I had wanted more Tyler & Ben & Bethany time. Seems like not enough.


Abby Gaines said...

Hi, so glad you liked The Diaper Diaries - I had a lot of fun writing it! (fyi, Tyler and Bethany show up again in Her So-Called Fiance, which is Sabrina's story...)

Shikibu said...

I didn't know that! So now I know which book I should read next. :) Thanks for letting me know and thanks for writing it (them)!