Saturday, January 10, 2009

I can read, I love reading, I'm so grateful.

I was digging out old books, seeing which ones I can clear out, give to people, sell on eBay etc. One of the books is To Pleasure A Prince, the only book I've read by Sabrina Jeffries. It was (note: was) in the to-be-given/sold pile. But then I just started to browse through the book again, the part when the heroine Regina was forced to confess to the hero Marcus, that she can't read (dyslexia dammit). My eyes got kind of watery reading that, and then, this book goes back on my shelf. For the time being. ☺ Oh it was one of my first few romances too. What was I thinking of getting rid of it?

I have good memories reading this book :)

Get it @ Amazon, or the ebook @ Fictionwise. It's the second book of a trilogy.

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