Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sarah McCarty. Cynthia Eden. Short.

Don't you just hate thinking of blog post titles?

Saw this at RR@H Novel Thoughts & Book Talk, and HAVE to post it:

Wild Instinct

Wild Instinct by Sarah McCarty. Think the release date is pushed back to Dec 2009. Boooo. Running Wild (a related book) is so HAWT, HAWT, & HAWT, I need more of those heroes, like now. I also hope that Sarah McCarty's website could be more updated..

Hotter After MidnightI've also finished I'm Your Santa, and now I'm reading Cynthia Eden's Hotter After Midnight. Just got to chapter three, and I'm really liking what I've read so far. Or what I've read about Colin Gyth. I want to mate with him already. I love the way he sees Emily, makes me wish I was her *SiGH*.

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