Sunday, November 27, 2011

Finished Demon from the Dark!

Master of Shadows by Angela Knight Totally loved how it turned out!

You know, I'm prefer reading about the men doing more in going after their women...with the women being hard-to-get-blah-blah-blah.

But in this case I just love how Carrow time and time again kept implying that she wants Malkom forever and it's not just "use him" for now.

I also love how Carrow (& Ruby!) reacted after being traced to safety without Malkom with them.

I had hoped to read more, but with the kidnapping/war/what-ever-is-going-on, going on and all that.. I'm still satisfied with the short (too short to me) ending.

And a nice touch to see so many couples (Rydstrom! Nikolai! *swoonnnn*) from previous books making a brief appearance too.

I can't wait to read Lanthe's story and also when Malkom will be paid so that he can buy Carrow their dream home. :)

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