Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lord Griffin and Lady Hero.

Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth HoytI just lack the ability to describe how much I love some books. Like for Elizabeth Hoyt's books. I always read other blogger's reviews and nod my head in a agreement with what they say.

I love Griffin and Hero. ♥

How can you not love how Griffin loves Hero so much that he wants to throw away his life knowing he can't have her? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

In their stituation, I was really wondering all the time how would it all worked out.

I'm glad Thomas got someone too. Everyone should have a HEA!

As for Silence, I feel so much for her when she appeared in Wicked Intentions, and I'm just so glad she stars in a romance novel and things WILL work out for her. Mary Darling is so cute. ♥

Charming Mickey.


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