This book, the intro especially, is heavy on the history/war things. I don't recommend it for romance readers looking for a first taste of Elizabeth Thornton's romance. It definately does not start off light.
But when it's focusing on Cam and Gabrielle... ohh I love it.
The reason?
One of it
"I've only ever loved one woman in my whole life, and that's you. Gabrielle, I love you."
And so much more.
I just love the fact that Cam and Gabrielle admit their love to each other VERY early on. In most romance novels, the I-love-yous came at the end, but in Elizabeth Thornton's books, you can expect it early. From the MAN.
It's really lovely reading those emotional I-love-yous, my favourite parts in Elizabeth Thornton's stories.
(ending spoilers ahead.)The end is just wows me how much Gabrielle and Cam loved each other. Gabrielle not hating Cam at all upon learning how his ploting of revenge on her grandfather had caused her hurt during her childhood years. Yet she still apologies for her actions as innocent child. I didn't expect these. Thought she'd be freaked and will fight Cam again or something. But hey, she matured, realised how hurt Cam is and how much she love him. I just love how it all comes together. And Cam? Just gave up years of wanting revenge just for Gabrielle's happiness.
This is just why I love reading romances.