Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blood and Roses by Angela Knight.

Blood and Roses by Angela KnightBlood and Roses is a novella from Burning Up.

This is my first non-Mageverse story by Angela Knight.

Favourite part? When Raniero cradles Amaris when she lets him feed on her blood (she's a Blood Rose, whose blood strengthens vampires, i.e Raniero).

It's a small part in a really short story (62 pages), but it gets to me. I can't forget that even with those hot bonking going on.

I could just imagine that part in a full length novel. With them exploring their feelings during that moment...

Anyway, it's still a trademark Angela Knight hot story. A perfect one hour-plus read for me before bedtime.

But I can't wait for the next MAgeverse book ArgHH! Tristan!!!!

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